Vote! Vote! Vote!

I created these stamp designs for Lea Redmond’s amazing postagestampprotest campaign, and the good folks over at Vote Vote Vote decided to produce postcards, posters, and the stamps themselves available as well. Here’s a few of the designs, and the complete sets of stamps. Write a couple of cards to friends and make a plan to vote! #fumptruck

We are donating all profits from the sale of these images to support the critical work of the ACLU in honor of RGB, co-founder of its Women's Rights Project. 

We are donating all profits from the sale of these images to support the critical work of the ACLU in honor of RBG, co-founder of its Women's Rights Project

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Michelle from Macchiatto is curating shows of projections on Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. Rose window!

Michelle from Macchiatto is curating shows of projections on Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. Rose window!

Don’t let the Orange Grinch take away your right to vote, Cindy.

Don’t let the Orange Grinch take away your right to vote, Cindy.
