Oakland Public Library Event!


there's an event at The Oakland Public Library I'd love to invite you all to. The Library is honoring me with an artists' reception where I will be showing work from Oakland ABC (and other projects). There's something very special happening that I can't yet disclose, but they will be revealing the thing* at the reception. 

In addition, Kamaria Lofton (author of My City is Oakland, among others) and I will be hosting storytime for little kids on the same day. 


Here's the event page for Storytime (for kids), 3pm on May 5
Here's the event page for the Artists' Reception (for everyone!), 4pm on May 5

See you then? 
x, Michael 

*that I can't tell you about quite yet

The event (mentioned above) is co-hosted by Children's Fairyland. Here's a thing I made! It moves! How is it possible! Technology! Boop boop beep! Exclamation points!
