2021 Calendars: Spider and I

Dear Friendlies, the 2021 Calendars are up in the shop. $12 (includes shipping to anywhere in the US). UPDATE: Calendars are sold out.

Do you know the music of Brian Eno? I love the ambient stuff, of course, but his early solo stuff was (and is) a revelation to me. This work is based on a sweet little lullaby he made called “Spider and I”. Can you imagine being best friends with a Spider? I can. I am trying to work past our very human fear of insects towards understanding - I mean, they draw, for Pete’s sake! They draw! In the air!

They draw in order to catch food to eat. Isn’t that we do? They make intricate air sculptures with their butts! Can you do that?

Don’t answer that.

Brian Eno: here’s the quiet stuff. Here’s the less-quiet stuff.
