American Illustration: Selected!

Dear Friendlies, some wonderful news: this work was selected to be included in the American Illustration annual award book. From over 8,000 entries, the AI43 Jury selected only 356 images by a majority vote or better to appear in the book and online galleries representing the best pictures from 2023. What a thrill! Thank you to the judges and to Mark Heflin for keeping the American Illustration flame alight.

This work (the Cover Dyptich for the Garden of Earthly Delights) was created not for any particular project; I wanted to better acquaint myself with the press and studio space and wanted to see what bright pink and grey screenprints would look like. These are hand-pulled prints on paper. Pink went down first, then light transparent grey, then dark transparent grey.

The series (as I see it now) is re-imagining of the completely insane triptych by Heironymous Bosch. This is the first two prints, meant to represent the cover of the painting when it is closed. Stay tuned for the rest.