Golden Gate Park A to Z Collective Art Project

What do you love about Golden Gate Park? 

It could be the new ferris wheel, the old windmills, or the cute dogs. Pick anything you’re inspired by that’s part of Golden Gate Park.

Then create a one-page piece of artwork. Include the letter of the alphabet and name of what you’re featuring in your art. For example, you’d write “F is for Ferris Wheel” or “W is for Windmills.” 

Send us your art before May 4

On May 5, Golden Gate Park, An A to Z Adventure is officially out. Written by Marta Lindsey and illustrated by Michael Wertz, the book features 27 of the most unique things about the park. But... there are so many more, and that’s where you come in.

Marta and Michael are making a collective crowd-sourced “A to Z” art project with kids and grownups to celebrate all the things that didn’t make it into the book. 

Michael will select some of his favorite submissions for special Golden Gate Park-themed prizes like bison stuffies, signed copies of Golden Gate Park, An A to Z Adventure, and goody boxes of surprises related to the book. Everyone who submits art will be sent a special snail mail thank you. 

Winners will be announced online on May 5, 2020 (the date Golden Gate Park, An A to Z Adventure comes out!). Your art may be featured in the May 5 Golden Gate Park, An A to Z Adventure live online event

Upload your artwork using this form by 11:59PM Sunday, May 3.

Submit up to three pieces of art per person. By submitting your artwork to the contest, you agree that your art may be shared on the websites or social media of Marta Lindsey (author) and Michael Wertz (illustrator). Art will be shared with your first name only. 

Questions? Email