Oakland Public Library Event!


there's an event at The Oakland Public Library I'd love to invite you all to. The Library is honoring me with an artists' reception where I will be showing work from Oakland ABC (and other projects). There's something very special happening that I can't yet disclose, but they will be revealing the thing* at the reception. 

In addition, Kamaria Lofton (author of My City is Oakland, among others) and I will be hosting storytime for little kids on the same day. 


Here's the event page for Storytime (for kids), 3pm on May 5
Here's the event page for the Artists' Reception (for everyone!), 4pm on May 5

See you then? 
x, Michael 

*that I can't tell you about quite yet

The event (mentioned above) is co-hosted by Children's Fairyland. Here's a thing I made! It moves! How is it possible! Technology! Boop boop beep! Exclamation points!


2019: A Bestiary!

They’re here! Who had a weird 2018? I certainly did. The freaks come out at night.

Yours for the low low price of around $12.00 (give or take a few).

Peep the complete set of images here.

Hang in there, people.



Society of Illustrators 31 Award Winners

Huzzah! Huzzah! The images below (in the Uncommissioned and Surface Design categories) were accepted into the Society of Illustrators 31 exhibit and book! Thanks ever so to the Judges!

your moment of zen : illustration resources and whatnot


Eleventy Years of Campout Posters

Friendlies! I've been making these posters (some printed by me, some printed by Nat Swope) for eleven years now. Behold. xm

3 x 3 Illustration: Selected!

Huzzah Friendlies, 

five of my pieces were selected for inclusion and will be published in the 3x3 Illustration Annual Number 15. Thank you to 3x3 and the Judges! The winning entries are below. 

New Poster: John Prine at the Warfield


it's always cool to get a phone call out of the blue from a record company. I got one of these calls a few weeks back from Oh Boy Records, John Prine's record label, out of Nashville, Tennessee. The fellow on the phone told me that Mr. Prine is touring for his new record The Tree of Forgiveness (get yourself a copy here), and he asked me to create an image for his upcoming show at the Warfield. 

He said something about a tree in heaven that doubles as a bar. I was thinking about a recent trip to a friend's property close to the Sonoma Coast, where we sat under this lovely old oak tree. So I used her as the basis of the sketch. 


Here's the final below. I'm pretty happy with it. 

Here's the final. 
Here are some images of the printed poster courtesy End Hymns Printing Company.

Here are some images of the printed poster courtesy End Hymns Printing Company.

I have a funny history with John Prine; I was asked to create a John Prine poster for a Fillmore show some years back, and our band covers one of his songs that he sings with Iris DeMent. See the video for that song below as well as a cool little film about the new record.

Honey, we're the big door prize. x

The Bear Flag Trio

Just finished a CD cover for these fine folks. They're headed to Japan for a tour to export their classic country vibe. Check some of their music out here



Sacred Cows at Alley Cat Books

I'm excited to announce that I'm having a gallery show at my favorite bookstore, Alley Cat Books in San Francisco. A bunch of prints (framed and otherwise) will be on sale, and I'll bring a stack of books down as well. Several of the prints that are no longer available on the website will be available at the opening. These are the last (of those) prints, friends. Get 'em while you still can. Ferdinand (below) is one of those prints. I opened up the flat file, and there's only two left. They are at the bookstore now. 

The opening is February 16 from 7-9 pm at Alley Cat Books, 3036 24th St, San Francisco. The show will run through the month of February. 

As always, we're cooking up a nice little surprise for those of you who can be there. 

Come say hi! 



silkscreening resources (updated 1.18)

this is a very quick list of stuff. there's so much more on the webs than there was when i first made this list (2007)! * first off:

buy yourself a copy of this book. andy macdougall also created squeegeeville. take a look.

* local shops:

the grease diner

bloom press

the w.o.r.k.s.

creative screen technologies

* online tutorials

here's a tutorial about reduction screen printing by artist Jim Winters.

an online (comic) pdf called diy silkscreening.

how to silkscreen posters and shirts

psprint's history and resources

screen a t-shirt at home

* materials

dick blick screen supplies page


need a detailed screen burned? ask the kind folks at creative screen technologies. you can even email a black and white jpg to be made into a screen!

cheap tee shirts

* inspiration

gigposters. a very active community of artists lives here.

reinventing screenprinting

the little friends of printmaking


dan mccarthy

Thank you to the Society of Illustrators


Happy New Year. I am very glad to share this new site with you, and some very good news. Three pieces of mine were accepted into this year's Society of Illustrators 30 contest in the Poster, Kids Book, and Surface Design categories. See the accepted pieces below, and a big THANK YOU to the judges! 

This piece was created for Oakland Animal Services. 

This piece was created for Oakland Animal Services. 

This poster was created for Camper and Cracker's Winter 2016 shows. 

This poster was created for Camper and Cracker's Winter 2016 shows. 

This image was created for my kids book ABC Oakland. 

This image was created for my kids book ABC Oakland